Moon Eclipse. July 2018

Moon Eclipse. July 2018


L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

Quentin Caffier. Banquette Arrière.

Banquette Arrière est une ode à l’amour, à la nostalgie et au temps passé à l’arrière des voitures. C’est à cet endroit que de nombreux baisers ont été échangés, que quelques activités ont laissé quelques traces de buée, que des souvenirs se sont créés. Au-delà de la...

Leica Prototype sets the Most Expensive camera record.

Leica prototype sets new world record: Leica 0-series no.105 sold for € 14.4 million The serial production of the Leitz Camera, or Leica for short, the world's first 35mm camera, is considered a milestone of modern photography. Before the first cameras were available...

Ed Kashi. Abandoned Moments

Nature-ChristianVizlABANDONED MOMENTS A Love Letter to Photography  Photographs by Ed Kashi  Texts by Ed Kashi and Alison Nordström Perhaps most importantly, this book demonstrates an innovative and nuanced form for autobiography from someone whose entire working life...


STORIES 2021 IS OPEN FOR ENTRIES Stories seeks to discover, promote and amplify the important work being made by Australian photographers. Stories is an annual award for photographic storytellers operated by Photo Collective. We are calling for series work and...

Skylum Ambassador Team

Skylum Ambassador Team

Skylum adds four globe-trotting landscape photographers to its ambassador team

World-famous landscape photographers Iurie Belegurschi, Daniel Kordan, Max Rive, and Dr. Kah-Wai Lin join Skylum’s ambassador team

Skylum has teamed up with four all-star landscape photographers from around the globe to help hone its software vision and make Luminar and Aurora HDR the best post-production solutions for landscape photography. 

Iurie Belegurschi, Daniel Kordan, Max Rive, and Dr. Kah-Wai Lin join Jerry Ghionis, Matthew Jordan Smith, Joel Grimes, and Dixie Dixon to bring Skylum’s ambassador team to a total of eight photographers. The four new Skylum ambassadors live and travel around the globe, capturing the most beautiful and unique photographs of nature our world has to offer. 

Ambassadors Belegurschi, Kordan, Rive, and Lin are working alongside Skylum to make products better fit the needs of landscape and travel photographers around the globe and judge an awesome collection of photography contests, including those currently taking place, for which the grand prize is a free trip with Iceland Photo Tours. There will also be various speaking engagements put on by the ambassadors, as well as future photowalks and meet ups with the photography community to help spread the word about how Luminar and Aurora HDR are changing the world of post-production in landscape photography.

Iurie Belegurschi

Although born in Moldova, Iurie Belegurschi has spent the last twelve years calling the Nordic countryside of Iceland his home. Inspired by the incredible light and landscapes, Belegurschi has spent over a decade capturing the beautiful scenes and seascapes, resulting in photos that have won international accolades, and adorned the pages of leading publications and exhibitions. In 2012, Iurie founded Iceland Photo Tours, which serves as a way for Iurie to share his expertise of Iceland and its terrain with passionate photographers from around the world.  

“I’m beyond excited to join Skylum’s talented team of ambassadors to help shape the programs that ensure I spend less time in front of a computer and more time behind a camera on a photo adventure.” — Iurie Belegurschi

Daniel Kordan

Even if the name Daniel Kordan fails to ring a bell, don’t be surprised if you recognize a photograph or two of his. Known for incredible landscapes, Kordan’s work has been published in National Geographic, Discovery, and Photography Week — not to mention Skylum’s own product page a time or two. His growing list of clients including Apple and Red Bull, and as of late Kordan also teaches courses to photographers from all over the world on how to find their unique style and inspiration in nature. 

“It’s great to be a part of Skylum alongside an incredible lineup of photographers from around the world. I’m excited to bring my vision and expertise to the table to help Skylum develop its software to better suit the needs of landscape photographers.” — Daniel Kordan

Max Rive

It wasn’t until 2008, when Max Rive first picked up a camera to document a mountain trip, that he became ingrained in the world of photography. In the decade since, Rive has won International Landscape Photographer of the Year in 2017 and travelled the world capturing beautiful landscape shots in Chile, Argentina, Greenland, Sweden, Scotland, Norway, New Zealand, and beyond. 

“Luminar is great in that it enables me to process my photos exactly how I envision them in my head through the cleverly curated toolset and growing collection of filters. It’s great to be a part of the Skylum team and I’m excited to help push the programs further and connect with the Skylum community.” — Max Rive

Kah-Wai Lin

As if an M.D. degree from Lviv National Medical University in Ukraine and a Ph.D. degree in medical science from Karolinska Institute in Sweden wasn’t enough, Kah-Wai Lin can also add an award-winning portfolio of incredible landscapes photographs to the resume. Dr. Lin has explored and photographed some of the most diverse and remote places on Earth, visiting over 30 countries and winning more than 200 awards, along the way. His accolades include 1st place at the International Photography Award 2015 and being named one of the top 10 exhibitors in the world by Photographic Society of America in both 2015 and 2016.

“I’m very much looking forward to join the Skylum team of ambassadors. It’ll serves as a great opportunity to connect with Skylum users spanning the globe. Luminar has quickly become my go-to photo editing software by taking the stress out of post-processing, making it faster and easier than any other program I’ve used.” — Kah-Wai Lin


L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

Affinity Designer for iPad

Affinity Designer for iPad

Affinity Designer for iPad today brings professional vector graphic design to the iPad for the first time.

Developed with input from a team of leading professional graphic designers and based on Apple Design Award-winning technology, Affinity Designer is the most ambitious creative app developed for iPad. The app was launched today during an event at developer Serif’s Nottingham, UK, headquarters (6pm BST). And for a limited period, Affinity Designer for iPad is on sale in the App Store for only £13.99 / $13.99 / 14,99€ with no subscription – a discount of 30% on the full price (subject to local currency variations).

Serif’s Managing Director Ashley Hewson says: “Affinity Designer for iPad takes all the power and precision of our desktop version and converts it into a truly stunning immersive experience. “We’ve packed everything you’d expect from professional design software into an app that you can just pick up and take wherever you go, totally free from the confines of your desk or even your office.Hewson says developing Affinity Designer for iPad meant totally reimagining the way graphic design works on a screen. “We’ve spent months working closely with influential artists, illustrators and designers to fine-tune the development of the app. Their input really helped us rise to the huge challenge of bringing a full graphic design experience to iPad, which means this is an app with proven professional requirements at its core.”

Affinity Designer for iPad’s velvet-smooth vector tools means curves have pinpoint precision. From initial sketches to fleshing out a design in vector, to handing off for professional print or web, it has the workflow covered, all in one place. Professional performance demands the ability to operate seamlessly with your fellow pros. So Affinity Designer’s modern, powerful export engine covers all the major file types, whether a project is destined for print, online or another app. In a real game-changer for vector drawing, pencil stabilization allows you to produce the smoothest and most accurate lines possible, drawing using freehand pencil and brush tools. The astonishing ability to zoom by well over one million percent ensures complete accuracy in your work, every time.

Affinity Designer for iPad is unique in offering the opportunity to switch seamlessly from vector to raster work. With around 100 brushes built in, to cover pretty much every requirement, it’s simple to add rich media texture to your designs. Naturally, Affinity Designer for iPad is optimized for the very latest iPad technology including intuitive multi-touch gestures. The iPad’s advanced Metal graphics processing delivers unreal speed and lag-free real-time edits, even on the biggest files. Apple Pencil dynamics like tilt, angle, pressure and more help bring smoothness and stability to your curves and colors. Using the Drag & Drop feature of the iPad’s Files app enables you to bring projects in and out of the app at a touch. Hewson adds: “Affinity apps are tailored for today’s technology … that means they’re fast, powerful and precise, with total lack of bloat. On iPad, the powerful graphics processing really helps us deliver eye-popping performance.”

Affinity Designer for iPad supports all major formats, 16-bit per channel editing, end-to-end CMYK, ICC color management and spot colors for professional printing. Boasting 22 non-destructive adjustment layers that preview instantly and can be edited any time, and with full support for masks, stacks and clipping layers, Affinity Designer for iPad offers the most advanced layer controls available in any vector-based app. Further, its unrivaled text engine puts the power to create exquisite typography at your fingertips.

Everything you need for end-to-end UI design workflow is on hand, including unlimited artboards, a powerful Symbols tool and full asset management. It works seamlessly with the desktop version (sold separately), which was given a coveted Apple Design Award in 2015. And it becomes the second Serif app for the Apple tablet – professional image editor Affinity Photo was unveiled at WWDC2017 and is Apple’s reigning iPad App of the Year.

After the discount period, Affinity Designer for iPad will be available priced £19.99 / $19.99 / 21,99€ subject to local currency variations). The same 30% discount is also being applied across Affinity’s range of apps and official Workbooks for a limited period.

Approved by professionals

The Serif developer team worked with leading artists and illustrators on the creation and testing of Affinity Designer for iPad, in a private VIP beta period designed to perfect the app for real-world uses. Quotes from some of them are below: David Sossella Illustrator and creative director “Affinity Designer for iPad is incredible, powerful and reliable. I love the way objects are managed and gestures have been implemented. It’s a great surprise to me to have such complete vector software on a mobile device, it’s something I’ve been waiting for.”

Steve Simpson Illustrator and graphic designer “Affinity Designer for iPad is a fully featured vector app with raster tools available on a tablet. It’s a different level.”

Matt Griffin Illustrator and author “I’m delighted that there is now an app like this available on iPad. Combining vector and raster tools, and with the addition of type, it has everything I need to work solely on the pad if required.”

Will Schorer Illustrator and graphic designer “I’m blown away with Affinity Designer for iPad. Having the freedom to work from a sketch to a finished vectorized artwork all without any cables, in one app is a dream come true and a huge time saver.”

Juan Manuel Orozco Illustrator and graphic designer “Discovering this app has been amazing, I’ve fallen in love. I can ink in vector and color in raster all in one portable app, with no layer limitations. It’s totally changed my workflow.”

Full review coming soon


L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

ON1 Photo Raw 2018.5 now available.

ON1 Photo Raw 2018.5 now available.

ON1, Inc announces the new ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5, now available for download or purchase. Version 2018.5 includes an overall performance upgrade, new features such as LUTs and camera profiles, new camera and lens support, and fixes for user reported issues.

“We’re very excited to deliver this update. There is a ton of key new features and updates customers will have a lot of fun with,” says ON1 President, Craig Keudell. 

Key Features and Improvements

  • Camera Profiles – Select the same looks you see on the back of your camera in ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5. Select from Natural, Portrait, Landscape, etc. depending on what your camera offers. These are not preset, they don’t adjust any of the sliders, and are non-destructive.
  • LUTs in Effects- LUTs or Look-Up Tables are a favorite way to add matte,vintage or cinematic color grading looks. These are available inside of Effects in version 2018.5. The common .3DL and .CUBE formats found online can also be imported into Photo RAW 2018.5. LUTs will work like any of the current filters in Effects.
  • Improved Brushing Performance – Brushing with the Masking Brush is more fluid and responsive, especially on Windows computers with large or high-dpi displays.
  • Transform Pane Enhancements – The Transform pane in Develop includes new tools to correct perspective and rotation issues. A new grid makes it easier to visualize
  • Faster Film Strip for Culling – Using the Filmstrip in Develop and Effects is now just as fast as it is in Browse. You can also perform your editing and culling tasks like ratings, labels, rotate and delete, while you are adjusting your raw processing.
  • RAW+JPG – If you shoot RAW and JPG at the same time, you can collapse and hide the JPG copy, so your library isn’t cluttered. Any metadata or file changes you make are mirrored to the JPG
  • Manage & Organize Presets – Ability to better organize presets into a nested category structure and to move, rename, delete, and nest presets and categories.
  • Nested Albums – Nest albums or photos inside of other albums. If you are migrating from Lightroom, your nested albums are brought over by the Lightroom migration
  • Increased Stability – Significant under the hood stability improvements are in 2018.5.
  • Background Export – Exporting is processed in the background so customers can continue to work on another job without having to wait for the export to
  • New Cameras & Lenses – Includes new cameras and lenses. The list includes support for Fujifilm® X-A5, Fujifilm X-H1, Sony® A7 III, and many others.


Price and Availability

ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5 is available to purchase or download as a 30-day free trial. ON1 is running a launch special for a limited time for new customers at a price of $79.99 (Reg: $119.99). Previous owners of any ON1 product can upgrade at a launch special price of $69.99 (Reg: $99.99). ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5 is also available as part of an ON1 Plus Pro membership for $129.99/year (Reg: $149.99/year). ON1 Plus Pro includes a perpetual license of ON1 Photo Raw along with in-depth post-processing and photography education. All of it is easy to follow along and fun. During the launch special, ON1 is including 50 additional LUTs created by Hudson Henry, Matt Kloskowski, Tamara Lackey, and ON1 professionals. 

Version 2018.5 is a free update for all owners of ON1 Photo RAW 2018. Finally, those who have tried an earlier version of Photo RAW 2018 can try this new version for free and get 30 more days to test it, since ON1 has reset the trial period for all. 

A single purchase of ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5 includes both Mac and Windows installers and activation for up to five computers. It comes with a 30-day money- back guarantee, world-class customer support, hundreds of free video tutorials, and free ON1 Loyalty Rewards every month.


What’s Ahead for ON1

ON1 will be rolling out several new web features within the week. These include public support community forums, a new weekly tips & tricks series Tip of the Week, and eight new LUT packs (80 LUTs) available to download for free. Later this summer ON1 plans to roll out an extensive new video library for customers where they can create and save video playlists, watch photography courses, track progress, and more. ON1 will also unveil a new community content exchange where customers can create, upload, and share ON1 presets, LUTs, and other creative content. As for ON1 Photo RAW, it has come a long way since its launch. ON1 has rolled out over 50 new features and updates along with tons of enhancements to the performance of the app this year alone. “Our team is laser-focused at continuing to build upon this solid foundation. Our work isn’t done as the team is hustling at building new technologies to help both the ON1 and photography communities,” says Craig Keudell.


L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

Photolemur. A short review

Photolemur. A short review

Photolemur is a very simple application to instantly get the most from any image. It uses AI to analyze your image and correct exposure, contrast, saturation, and clarity

Photolemur naturally knows just what to do for images. From faces to objects, to the sky — it analyzes and adjusts different aspects of your photo to achieve the best possible result. With a completely automated system, Photolemur gets you that epic end result faster than any human being.

Bulk picture enhancement.
Photolemur is designed to dramatically simplify batch image editing: enhance any amount of images at once, process RAW files, work with any volume of images. It takes care of the hard work, so you can enjoy the rest.
Photo Enhancement on Autopilot
The interface is the most simple ever. One screen to drop your images, and that’s all. No other control or sliders.
 Photolemur offers you the option to just drag & drop your photos and let the whole process of the photo editing be done by the technology itself. Only after Photolemur has finished the correction, yo have access to one opacity slider to select the amount od enhancement you want.

Final thoughts

This is a perfect app for any photographer that doesn’t nee any strong post-processing. The app does all the basic job and allows to export the file to any format.

For those in need or stronger, more complex post-processing, this can be a little frustrating. One solution is to configure the app as Lightroom or Photoshop plugins, and use Photolemur for the basic editing, re-import the image to Lightroom or Photoshop and do the adjustments you want.

Skylum is now working with Photolemur for their AI Lab That will for sure announce future improvements for the Luminar AI filter.

For a retail price of $34,99, it is a little expensive.;;

Try it for free for 30 days and see by yourself by visiting



L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

Skylum focuses on AI with Photolemur

Skylum focuses on AI with Photolemur

Skylum Software announced the formation of a new research and development division dedicated to the advancement of artificial intelligence technologies in image processing. The Skylum AI Lab leverages the company’s prior work developing smart filters in its award-winning Luminar software, as well as technology from its “sister company” Photolemur, which was founded in 2016 by Dima Sytnik and Alex Tsepko, co-founder and CEO of Skylum respectively.

“Clearly, AI can simplify our lives. By using AI-based technologies in our products, our customers save time vs. manual editing, and can often get better results,” said Alex Tsepko, CEO at Skylum. “Our neural networks are being trained on millions of images taken by cameras from Fujifilm, Sony, Olympus, Nikon, Canon and many others, which means outstanding results for all photographers, regardless of what style they shoot and what gear they are using.”

To spearhead the new Skylum AI Lab, the company has hired Alex Savsunenko, former CEO of Let’s Enhance, a leader in machine learning for visual content. Savsunenko will manage all research and development for technologies based on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and neural networks. Promising results will ultimately be implemented in Skylum products and solutions for image and video enhancement, with the aim to help users make their workflow faster, smarter and more efficient.

Currently, the Skylum AI Lab is testing over a dozen of new solutions, including:

  • Image upscaling: uses deep convolutional neural networks to improve low-resolution images and scale them up for superior viewing and printing.
  • Tagging: generates tags that describe the image and its objects based on image recognition.
  • Segmentation: smart recognition of image areas that can be automatically enhanced using different filters and corrections based on the type of object.
  • Automatic enhancement: applies smart image corrections to photos based on a variety of issue

To further reinforce its AI prowess, Skylum has also joined forces with Photolemur, creator of the world’s first fully automatic photo enhancement solution. Photolemur app has been sold for several years, with hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide. It enhances images utilizing artificial intelligence without the need to use any manual controls. Development will continue on Photolemur, with the next evolution of the app likely to be a cloud solution that helps high-volume users enhance images as batch process.



L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

Venezuelan photographer Ronaldo Schemidt wins World Press Photo of the Year Award

Venezuelan photographer Ronaldo Schemidt wins World Press Photo of the Year Award

The World Press Photo Foundation announced the results of its renowned contests, the 61st annual World Press Photo Contest and the 8th annual World Press Photo Digital Storytelling Contest, at its annual Awards Show in Amsterdam.

  • The jury of the 2018 Photo Contest selected Venezuelan photographer Ronald Schemidt’s image as the World Press Photo of the Year

The World Press Photo of the Year
The World Press Photo of the Year honors the photographer whose visual creativity and skills made a picture that captures or represents an event or issue of great journalistic importance in the last year.

The jury, chaired by Magdalena Herrera, awards the prize to Ronaldo Schemidt’s picture entitled ‘Venezuela Crisis’–which also won first prize in the Spot News Single category. The image shows how José Víctor Salazar Balza (28) on fire amid violent clashes with riot police during a protest against President Nicolás Maduro, in Caracas, Venezuela. Salazar was set alight when the gas tank of a motorbike exploded. He survived the incident with first- and second-degree burns. Schemidt (b. 1971) is a staff photographer for Agence France-Presse, based in Mexico.

Magdalena Herrera, director of photography Geo France and chair of the jury, said about selecting the World Press Photo of the Year:

“The photo of the year has to tell an event, that is important enough, it also has to bring questions…it has to engage and has to show a point of view on what happened in the world this year.”

She describes the winning photograph: “It’s a classical photo, but it has an instantaneous energy and dynamic. The colours, the movement, and it’s very well composed, it has strength. I got an instantaneous emotion…”

Jury member Whitney C. Johnson, deputy director of photography National Geographic, also added: “It’s quite symbolic, actually. The man, he has a mask on his face. He’s come to sort of represent not just himself and himself on fire, but sort of this idea of Venezuela burning.”

Jury member Bulent Kiliç, chief photographer Turkey Agence France-Presse, also added:  “And there is one small detail in the picture. There was a gun on the wall. It reads “paz’. It means peace. That also makes this picture stong.”

Jury member Eman Mohammed, photojournalist, also added: “It just gives you that sense of more power to the people. To the ones who speak out.”

Also nominated for the World Press Photo of the Year are (in alphabetical order by photographer):

Rohingya Crisis
Patrick Brown, Australia, Panos Pictures, for Unicef

Boko Haram Strapped Suicide Bombs to Them. Somehow These Teenage Girls Survived. – Aisha, age 14.
Adam Ferguson, Australia, for The New York Times

Witnessing the Immediate Aftermath of an Attack in the Heart of London
Toby Melville, UK, Reuters

The Battle for Mosul – Lined Up for an Aid Distribution
Ivor Prickett, Ireland, for The New York Times

The Battle for Mosul – Young Boy Is Cared for by Iraqi Special Forces Soldiers
Ivor Prickett, Ireland, for The New York Times

New announcement process this year
The foundation announced the nominees in each category of the Photo Contest, the Digital Storytelling Contest, and the six nominees for the World Press Photo of the Year on 14 February.  All winners, including the World Press Photo of the Year, were revealed at the Awards Show in Amsterdam.

Patrick Brown Panos Pictures_for Unicef

28 September 2017

The bodies of Rohingya refugees are laid out after the boat in which they were attempting to flee Myanmar capsized about eight kilometers off Inani Beach, near Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Around 100 people were on the boat before it capsized. There were 17 survivors.  

The Rohingya are a predominantly Muslim minority group in Rakhine State, western Myanmar. They number around one million people, but laws passed in the 1980s effectively deprived them of Myanmar citizenship. Violence erupted in Myanmar on 25 August after a faction of Rohingya militants attacked police posts, killing 12 members of the Myanmar security forces. Myanmar authorities, in places supported by groups of Buddhists, launched a crackdown, attacking Rohingya villages and burning houses. According to the UNHCR, the number of Rohingya that subsequently fled Myanmar for Bangladesh reached 500,000 on 28 September.


Adam Ferguson for The New York Times


Aish21 September 2017a, aged 14. 

Portraits of girls kidnapped by Boko Haram militants, taken in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. 

The girls were strapped with explosives, and ordered to blow themselves up in crowded areas, but managed to escape and find help instead of detonating the bombs. Boko Haram—a Nigeria-based militant Islamist group whose name translates roughly to ‘Western education is forbidden’—expressly targets schools and has abducted more than 2,000 women and girls since 2014. Female suicide bombers are seen by the militants as a new weapon of war. In 2016, The New York Times reported at least one in every five suicide bombers deployed by Boko Haram over the previous two years had been a child, usually a girl. The group used 27 children in suicide attacks in the first quarter of 2017, compared to nine during the same period the previous year.


Toby Melville Reuters


22 March 2017
A passerby comforts US tourist Melissa Cochran, injured in an attack on pedestrians at Westminster Bridge in London, UK. Melissa survived, but lost her husband, Kurt, in the attack.  


On 22 March, Khalid Masood drove a rented SUV along the sidewalk of Westminster Bridge, near the British Houses of Parliament in central London. Three people were killed instantly, and two more died in the days after the attack; at least 40 were injured. Armed with two knives, Masood left the car and attempted to enter the grounds of parliament, where he fatally stabbed one of the policemen who tried to stop him, before being shot and killed. Born Adrian Russell Elms in Kent, UK, Masood changed his name when he converted to Islam. Although ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack the following day, police investigating found no evidence of any links between Masood and either ISIS or al-Qaeda.


Ivor Prickett for The New York Times 

15 March 2017

Civilians line up for aid distribution in the Mamun neighborhood of west Mosul. 

On 10 July 2017, after months of fighting, the Iraqi government declared the city of Mosul fully liberated from ISIS, although fierce fighting continued in pockets of the city. Mosul had fallen to ISIS three years earlier, and the battle to retake it had begun in October 2016.

In effect, the reconquering of Mosul comprised two parts: the battle for the eastern half of the city, and that for the west, across the Tigris River. East Mosul was recaptured by the end of January 2017, but the offensive on west Mosul, particularly the densely built-up Old City, proved more difficult. Large areas of the city were left in ruins, and huge numbers of civilians were caught in the crossfire as battle raged.

A United Nations report gives an absolute minimum of 4,194 civilian casualties during the conflict, with other sources putting the figure much higher. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights pointed to extensive use of civilians as human shields, with ISIS fighters attempting to use the presence of civilian hostages to make certain areas immune from military operations.

After months of being trapped in the last remaining ISIS-held areas of the city, the people in west Mosul were severely short of food and water. Those who chose to remain in the city rather than go to one of the many camps for displaced people, initially relied on aid in order to survive.


L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

World Press Photo 2018. The nominees.

World Press Photo 2018. The nominees.

Adam Ferguson for The New York Times

Portraits of girls kidnapped by Boko Haram militants, taken in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

The girls were strapped with explosives, and ordered to blow themselves up in crowded areas, but managed to escape and find help instead of detonating the bombs. Boko Haram—a Nigeria-based militant Islamist group whose name translates roughly to ‘Western education is forbidden’—expressly targets schools and has abducted more than 2,000 women and girls since 2014. Female suicide bombers are seen by the militants as a new weapon of war. In 2016, The New York Times reported at least one in every five suicide bombers deployed by Boko Haram over the previous two years had been a child, usually a girl. The group used 27 children in suicide attacks in the first quarter of 2017, compared to nine during the same period the previous year.

To see all the nominees please visit the 2018 Photo Contest gallery: 



L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

Venezuelan photographer Ronaldo Schemidt wins World Press Photo of the Year Award

World Press Photo 2018. The Venezuela Crisis.


José Víctor Salazar Balza (28) catches fire amid violent clashes with riot police during a protest against President Nicolás Maduro, in Caracas, Venezuela.

President Maduro had announced plans to revise Venezuela’s democratic system by forming a constituent assembly to replace the opposition-led National Assembly, in effect consolidating legislative powers for himself. Opposition leaders called for mass protests to demand early presidential elections. Clashes between protesters and the Venezuelan national guard broke out on 3 May, with protesters (many of whom wore hoods, masks or gas masks) lighting fires and hurling stones. Salazar was set alight when the gas tank of a motorbike exploded. He survived the incident with first- and second-degree burns.

Juan Barreto_Agence France-Presse

3 May 2017 
Víctor Salazar catches fire after a motorcycle explodes, during a street protest is Caracas, Venezuela.


Juan Barreto_Agence France-Presse

3 May 2017
Víctor Salazar catches fire after a motorcycle explodes, during a street protest is Caracas, Venezuela.


Juan Barreto_Agence France-Presse

3 May 2017
Víctor Salazar catches fire after a motorcycle explodes, during a street protest is Caracas, Venezuela.


Juan Barreto_Agence France-Presse

3 May 2017
People try to help Victor Salazar, who caught alight after an explosion during a street protest is Caracas, Venezuela.


To see all the nominees please visit the 2018 Photo Contest gallery: 


L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

DJI Drone Awards

DJI Drone Awards

Launched in late-2017, the DJI Drone Photography Award called for project ideas that would make creative use of a drone to explore new photographic possibilities. In capturing subject matters impossible to reach on foot, the drone-shot work would open the viewer’s eyes to new possibilities, encouraging them to consider the world from alternative perspectives.

Award winners Markel Redondo and Tom Hegen were each provided with a DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone and £1,500 project financing, amongst other prizes, to realise their projects.

Tom Hegen

is a photographer and designer from Germany. Interested in exploring the relationship between man and nature, Hegen uses aerial photography as a means to document landscapes that have been heavily transformed by human intervention. As part of his postgraduate studies, Hegen completed a thesis examining “The rising possibilities of aerial photography by multicopters.” Through abstraction and aestheticisation, the photographer seeks to challenge the viewer’s visual preconceptions, while engaging them in socio-important topics..

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Markel Redondo

is a documentary, travel and portrait photographer who splits his time between his two bases in Bilbao and Biarritz. His work focuses on social and environmental issues and has featured in publications including the New York Times, Le Monde and Der Spiegel.

A day before he was due to begin a degree at the University of Bolton, Markel decided Computer Sciences did not play a partin his future and withdrew from the course to pursue a career in photography. From Bolton he headed to China where, while studying for an MA in Photojournalism, he worked for a number of agencies, newspapers and magazines. In 2007, he returned to Europe. He regularly collaborates with social-facing organisations and charities, namely the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Greenpeace.

Full story on


L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

Nick Hannes wins 2018 ZEISS Photography Award

Nick Hannes wins 2018 ZEISS Photography Award

Garden of Delight, a stunning photography series by Belgian photographer Nick Hannes, is today revealed as the winner of the 2018 ZEISS Photography Award “Seeing Beyond – Untold Stories”, alongside nine shortlisted photographers.


Shot over five trips in 2016 and 2017, Hannes’ winning series examines leisure and consumerism in Dubai. Each photograph was meticulously planned, with locations ranging from a prototype underwater holiday villa to a subzero bar in a Dubai shopping mall. In the work, the photographer explores ideas around globalization and capitalism and raises questions about authenticity and sustainability. Chosen from nearly 90,000 entries by photographers from more than 140 countries, Hannes’ work is praised by the jury for its unique character and narrative. They applauded its ability to address a current subject through a captivating and lighthearted visual story. 

Jury member Chris Hudson, Art Director, National Geographic Traveller (UK), comments: “The winning series stood out because each image captures a real moment and tells a story of its own. And yet they knit together so well to give an overall sense of what life might be like for locals in the metropolis that is Dubai.” 

Talking about his success, Hannes says: “I am very honored and grateful to receive this award. ‘Garden of Delight’ is a self-initiated and self-funded project. I am glad I persevered. This recognition proves that it was worth to keep going and dig deep into my subject.” 

As the winner of the ZEISS Photography Award, Hannes receives €12,000 worth of ZEISS lenses and €3,000 to cover travel costs for a photography project. The photographer also has the opportunity to personally work with ZEISS and the World Photography Organisation.



L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

The Merge

The Merge

The Merge explores and visually interprets the possibility that our reality does not exist as we believe it to, but that instead we live inside a simulation.

Philosophers have been questioning our perception of reality since Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. This existential discussion gained new interest in 2003 when Oxford University philosopher, Nick Bostrom, published “The Simulation Argument”, which argues that life on earth could indeed be a computer simulation.

Since then, academic debate has been raging and multiple high-ranking technological specialists, such as Tesla founder Elon Musk, have publicly confessed to the theory. Elon Musk’s reasoning is based on the exponential haste in which artificial intelligence is developing. It will not be long before we are able to create perfect simulations of our own experienced reality. This leads people to speculate that if we can create perfect simulations, then we might only be programs inside a simulation run by others.


The Merge visually entertains the simulation theory. It artistically investigates the consequences that supercomputers, artificial intelligence and robots might have on our future society. By looking at interactions between man and machine, it explores how this accelerated digitized paradigm will affect our emotional, social and moral norms. 

The project employs an array of photographic tools to explore  how human existence could change as we move rapidly towards a point in history where physical and digital worlds may become so intertwined, that it will be impossible to distinguish between the two.  

Now is the time to document how the revolution of artificial intelligence and robotics may be rapidly changing our world. The Merge aims to debate the subject’s complexity, and the images balance realism and imagination, leaving space for multiple interpretations, and engaging a dialogue with the audience about the landscape of our future; If life is a simulation, where should we look to understand the world we live in?


Peter Helles Eriksen (1984), Sara Brincher Galbiati (1981) and Tobias Selnaes Markussen (1982) are all based in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

In 2015 they formed an artistic collective, which finds inspiration in documenting issues founded on theories and first-person accounts, rather than fact.. When collecting their complex material, the collective is influenced by anthropological methods.   The collective had their first international solo show in 2016 (Rencontres d’Arles), which coincided with the release of their book Phenomena. They have been nominated for Prix de la Photo Madame Figaro and are presented in the collection of Musée Réattu.


L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

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