A Photo Comp with Scores and Feedback for Everyone
Better Photography Magazine Photo of the Year 2020 closes 22 August 2020
It’s great to win a photo competition, but what about everyone else? Better Photography Magazine’s Photo of the Year 2020 is a competition with a difference because every entrant gets a score and a judge’s comment.
This makes the Photo of the Year competition great value for everyone who enters.
“It can be hard to know how good your photos really are”, explained Better Photography’s editor and chief judge, Peter Eastway. “Social media is great for getting likes and hearts, but what do the experts think? It’s only when you enter a competition and your photos are judged anonymously that you get honest feedback from judges with experience.The problem is, many competitions don’t even give you a score, let alone feedback to help you improve your photography.”
Peter has years of experience as both an entrant and a judge, having won the AIPP Australian Professional Photographer of the Year twice, and later being the chairman of the Australian Professional Photography Awards.
“My own photography developed by entering photography competitions and then attending the public judging sessions and listening to what the judges had to say. It was this feedback that helped me improve, no matter the results. In fact, the single biggest influence in my work as a photographer has been entering photo competitions every year.”
To give enthusiast photographers the same type of experience, Peter has engaged David Oliver and Tony Hewitt as co-‐judges. All three are Grand Masters of Photography.
“While we don’t have a public judging, we can provide a score, an award (Bronze, Silver or Gold for scores over 75%), and an expert comment to give the entrant some guidance on how his or her photo could be improved.”
The Photo of the Year offers four category prizes of AUS $750 (landscape, portraiture, travel and nature) and one overall prize of AUS $2000, making a total prize pool of AUS $5000. Entry is just AUS
$20 (less than US $15) per photograph, with every fifth entry free.
Entries close on 15 August 2020, with late entries up until 22 August 2020 and the results will be announced on 30 September 2020. The winning images will also be published in Better Photography Magazine.
For more information and to enter, visit www.betterphotographyphotocomp.com



Landscape-Allen Koppe

