Affinity Photo for iPad. New improvements.

Affinity Photo for iPad. New improvements.

Affinity Photo for iPad boasts more power and professional features than ever – and it’s available now with a 30 % discount.

Developer Serif is running the flash offer until midday BST on Tuesday (18 Sept) to celebrate the launch of a big update to Apple’s reigning iPad App of the Year. It means Affinity Photo for iPad is currently available for a one-off £13.99 / $13.99 / 14,99€ from the App Store (subject to regional currency variations).

Serif Managing Director, Ashley Hewson, says: “Reviewers and customers told us Affinity Photo for iPad was a truly revolutionary product when we launched on-stage during Apple’s WWDC keynote last year.

“For the first time, it gave photographers, artists, editors, and retouchers a full professional mobile workflow with all the features you’d expect, on the go.”

Version 1.6.9 of the app introduces:

  • massively-expanded support for touch gesture control
  • refined UI and much-improved brush management
  • a new Export persona, allowing instant export of multiple slices and layers
  • many performance and other improvements.
  • Undo/Redo gesture with two/three finger tap.
  • Export persona – a new workspace for exporting regions of your image as slices.
  • Added drag modifiers to studio icons for color, text, navigator, and history.
  • Added support for brush nozzle base texture mode.
  • Added canvas rotation control via Navigator Studio.
  • Added swipe gesture to swap primary and secondary colors on the Colour Studio
  • Context menu now uses a long-press release gesture to invoke.
  • Added two-finger hold gesture to resize a layer from its center.
  • During shape creation, a two-finger hold gesture will transform the layer.
  • On the Layers Studio, with a layer selected, a two-finger tap on another layer will select all layers in between.
  • On the Layers Studio, pinch inwards (either vertically or horizontally) to group selected layers. To ungroup, do the opposite and pinch out.
  • With the Move Tool active, a two-finger hold gesture on a layer plus a one finger drag duplicates the selected layer.
  • Easy access to merge and rasterize commands via Layer Studio icons.
  • Improved brush stroke lag and small stroke response.
  • Brushes remember previously used stroke settings.
  • Move any custom brush to any category.
  • Added support for on-screen keyboard trackpad mode.
  • Added Tab key to on-screen keyboard context bar.
  • Updated Persona icons.
  • Numerous other improvements and fixes.

“As we’ve talked to our users, witness the inspirational work they create and understood more about their workflows, it’s inspired us to keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on a mobile device.”Affinity Photo for iPad is available now without subscription from the App Store. Existing users can download the updated version free of charge at any time.

Hewson adds: “We broke new ground in being the first to bring a desktop-class professional photo editing tool to iPad and just this week we’ve reached a quarter of a million users.For more information go to


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    Affinity Designer for iPad

    Affinity Designer for iPad

    Affinity Designer for iPad today brings professional vector graphic design to the iPad for the first time.

    Developed with input from a team of leading professional graphic designers and based on Apple Design Award-winning technology, Affinity Designer is the most ambitious creative app developed for iPad. The app was launched today during an event at developer Serif’s Nottingham, UK, headquarters (6pm BST). And for a limited period, Affinity Designer for iPad is on sale in the App Store for only £13.99 / $13.99 / 14,99€ with no subscription – a discount of 30% on the full price (subject to local currency variations).

    Serif’s Managing Director Ashley Hewson says: “Affinity Designer for iPad takes all the power and precision of our desktop version and converts it into a truly stunning immersive experience. “We’ve packed everything you’d expect from professional design software into an app that you can just pick up and take wherever you go, totally free from the confines of your desk or even your office.Hewson says developing Affinity Designer for iPad meant totally reimagining the way graphic design works on a screen. “We’ve spent months working closely with influential artists, illustrators and designers to fine-tune the development of the app. Their input really helped us rise to the huge challenge of bringing a full graphic design experience to iPad, which means this is an app with proven professional requirements at its core.”

    Affinity Designer for iPad’s velvet-smooth vector tools means curves have pinpoint precision. From initial sketches to fleshing out a design in vector, to handing off for professional print or web, it has the workflow covered, all in one place. Professional performance demands the ability to operate seamlessly with your fellow pros. So Affinity Designer’s modern, powerful export engine covers all the major file types, whether a project is destined for print, online or another app. In a real game-changer for vector drawing, pencil stabilization allows you to produce the smoothest and most accurate lines possible, drawing using freehand pencil and brush tools. The astonishing ability to zoom by well over one million percent ensures complete accuracy in your work, every time.

    Affinity Designer for iPad is unique in offering the opportunity to switch seamlessly from vector to raster work. With around 100 brushes built in, to cover pretty much every requirement, it’s simple to add rich media texture to your designs. Naturally, Affinity Designer for iPad is optimized for the very latest iPad technology including intuitive multi-touch gestures. The iPad’s advanced Metal graphics processing delivers unreal speed and lag-free real-time edits, even on the biggest files. Apple Pencil dynamics like tilt, angle, pressure and more help bring smoothness and stability to your curves and colors. Using the Drag & Drop feature of the iPad’s Files app enables you to bring projects in and out of the app at a touch. Hewson adds: “Affinity apps are tailored for today’s technology … that means they’re fast, powerful and precise, with total lack of bloat. On iPad, the powerful graphics processing really helps us deliver eye-popping performance.”

    Affinity Designer for iPad supports all major formats, 16-bit per channel editing, end-to-end CMYK, ICC color management and spot colors for professional printing. Boasting 22 non-destructive adjustment layers that preview instantly and can be edited any time, and with full support for masks, stacks and clipping layers, Affinity Designer for iPad offers the most advanced layer controls available in any vector-based app. Further, its unrivaled text engine puts the power to create exquisite typography at your fingertips.

    Everything you need for end-to-end UI design workflow is on hand, including unlimited artboards, a powerful Symbols tool and full asset management. It works seamlessly with the desktop version (sold separately), which was given a coveted Apple Design Award in 2015. And it becomes the second Serif app for the Apple tablet – professional image editor Affinity Photo was unveiled at WWDC2017 and is Apple’s reigning iPad App of the Year.

    After the discount period, Affinity Designer for iPad will be available priced £19.99 / $19.99 / 21,99€ subject to local currency variations). The same 30% discount is also being applied across Affinity’s range of apps and official Workbooks for a limited period.

    Approved by professionals

    The Serif developer team worked with leading artists and illustrators on the creation and testing of Affinity Designer for iPad, in a private VIP beta period designed to perfect the app for real-world uses. Quotes from some of them are below: David Sossella Illustrator and creative director “Affinity Designer for iPad is incredible, powerful and reliable. I love the way objects are managed and gestures have been implemented. It’s a great surprise to me to have such complete vector software on a mobile device, it’s something I’ve been waiting for.”

    Steve Simpson Illustrator and graphic designer “Affinity Designer for iPad is a fully featured vector app with raster tools available on a tablet. It’s a different level.”

    Matt Griffin Illustrator and author “I’m delighted that there is now an app like this available on iPad. Combining vector and raster tools, and with the addition of type, it has everything I need to work solely on the pad if required.”

    Will Schorer Illustrator and graphic designer “I’m blown away with Affinity Designer for iPad. Having the freedom to work from a sketch to a finished vectorized artwork all without any cables, in one app is a dream come true and a huge time saver.”

    Juan Manuel Orozco Illustrator and graphic designer “Discovering this app has been amazing, I’ve fallen in love. I can ink in vector and color in raster all in one portable app, with no layer limitations. It’s totally changed my workflow.”

    Full review coming soon


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