Hasselblad Masters 2018. The Winners

Hasselblad Masters 2018. The Winners



Hasselblad Masters is widely acclaimed as one of the world’s most prestigious professional photography competitions. The winners are chosen through a combination of a public vote and a professional Masters Jury comprised of internationally renowned photographers and imaging experts. Every Hasselblad Masters award winner will obtain the title of ‘Hasselblad Master’. In addition, they will receive a brand new Hasselblad medium format camera and be invited to shoot for a collaborative project with Hasselblad. This project will be printed and released in the bi­annual Hasselblad Masters book. 

Winners will receive their awards, medium format cameras, and trophies at a special Photokina 2018 ceremony in Cologne, Germany this September. Bronius Rudnickas,  Hasselblad  Marketing Manager says“Over  30 000 images were submitted to this year’s competition and that was a record. We are glad to see the competition is growing every year.” 

Masters Jury member and professional photographer   Tom   Oldham said, “It really struck me how progressive many of the entries were this year and how far the entrants were willing to push the brief. These were the photographers who caught my eye ­ the ballsy, out­there risk­ takers who make compelling pictures that refuse to be ignored. I’m proud to have helped to get this great kit into their hands – their  images deserve it.”


The Hasselblad Masters Awards 2018 winners are:

Aerial ­ Jorge de la Torriente – Miami, USA
Architecture ­ Kamilla Hanapova ­ St. Petersburg, Russia
Art ­ Maria Svarbova ­ Bratislava, Slovakia
Beauty & Fashion ­ Michal Baran ­ Trim, Ireland
Landscape ­ Benjamin Everett ­ Lopez Island, USA
Portrait ­ Tina Signesdottir Hult ­ Torvastad, Norway
Product ­ Marcin Gizycki ­ Warszawa, Poland
Project ­ Nabil Rosman ­ Kota Bharu, Malaysia
Street / Urban – Ben Thomas ­ Kyneton, Australia
Wedding – Victor Hamke ­ Leipzig, Germany
Wildlife ­ Karim Iliya ­ Haiku, USA

The Hasselblad Masters Awards 2018 jury are: Tom Oldham – Photographer,  Ali Rajabi – Past  Master Martin Hausler – Photographer Katerina Belkina – Past Master Swee Oh – Past Master, Lars van de Goor – Past Master Tim Flach – Photographer Kevin Then – Photographer Bara Prasilova – Past Master Damien Demolder – Journalist Blair Bunting – Photographer, Hans van Ommeren – Past Master Mads Nissen – Photographer,  Kevin Raber – Journalist

Learn More at www.hasselblad.com


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