Nick Hannes wins 2018 ZEISS Photography Award

Nick Hannes wins 2018 ZEISS Photography Award

Garden of Delight, a stunning photography series by Belgian photographer Nick Hannes, is today revealed as the winner of the 2018 ZEISS Photography Award “Seeing Beyond – Untold Stories”, alongside nine shortlisted photographers.


Shot over five trips in 2016 and 2017, Hannes’ winning series examines leisure and consumerism in Dubai. Each photograph was meticulously planned, with locations ranging from a prototype underwater holiday villa to a subzero bar in a Dubai shopping mall. In the work, the photographer explores ideas around globalization and capitalism and raises questions about authenticity and sustainability. Chosen from nearly 90,000 entries by photographers from more than 140 countries, Hannes’ work is praised by the jury for its unique character and narrative. They applauded its ability to address a current subject through a captivating and lighthearted visual story. 

Jury member Chris Hudson, Art Director, National Geographic Traveller (UK), comments: “The winning series stood out because each image captures a real moment and tells a story of its own. And yet they knit together so well to give an overall sense of what life might be like for locals in the metropolis that is Dubai.” 

Talking about his success, Hannes says: “I am very honored and grateful to receive this award. ‘Garden of Delight’ is a self-initiated and self-funded project. I am glad I persevered. This recognition proves that it was worth to keep going and dig deep into my subject.” 

As the winner of the ZEISS Photography Award, Hannes receives €12,000 worth of ZEISS lenses and €3,000 to cover travel costs for a photography project. The photographer also has the opportunity to personally work with ZEISS and the World Photography Organisation.



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