Siena Photography Awards 2018

Siena Photography Awards 2018

Siena International Photo Awards 2018 Winners Announced 
An image by Bangladeshi photographer K M Asad wins the title of “Photo of the Year

Selected from more than 48,000 of entries, an image of a young refugee -­‐ a traumatized Rohingya girl -­‐ is the overall winner of the 2018 Siena International Photo Awards (SIPA) contest. The photo, titled “Battle Victim”, was shot by documentary photographer K M Asad 

K M Asad / Siena International Photo Awards “Photographer of the Year 2018” The Bangladeshi photographer beat entrants from 156 countries to scoop the title of SIPAContest Photographer of the Year 2018. K M Asad captured this moment of a Rohingya refugee girl in the Thankhali refugee camp in Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar. She looks on at newly arrived refugees who fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar. The photo was shot on September 6, 2017: “Asmat Ara looks clearly traumatized after the recent violence which took place in Myanmar. The previous night she had entered with her family at Tenkhali Rohingya refugee camp from Kumar Khali, Myanmar Rohingya state,” K M Azad said in a recent interview.  According to the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, more than 520.000 Rohingya refugees have fled from Myanmarsince August 25th, 2017, most of them trying to cross the border to reach Bangladesh. Tariq Zaidi, a freelance photographer based out of London, UK, represented by Zuma Press (USA) and Getty Images (UK), won the prestigious title of “Best Author 2018,” thanks to his powerful stories from Congo, North Corea, Brazil and Sudan.

in Travel & Adventures, Zac Lowry’s striking image shows a man running through a checkpoint carrying his injured son in West Mosul, Iraq. British documentary photographer David Chancellor came in first in Storyboard with an impressive series, documenting how, in Africa, trophy hunting is a big draw for rich tourists who are able to pay big money to kill animals for sport. His work examines mankind’s commodification of wildlife. Francisco Negroni, Chile, placed first in the Nature category for flashes of lightning that lacerate the sky while the glow from molten lava lights up the billowing smoke. The Wildlife category was won by Amos Nachoum, Israel, for a shocking image which shows a leopard seal getting into a lagoon just before he catches a penguin by its feet, dragging it into the open water. Klaus Lenzen, Germany, placed first in the General Color category with a picture taken in summer 2017 during a triathlon competition in the Duesseldorf Media Harbour; Sina Falker, Germany, placed first in “Splash of Colors,” the Special category for 2018, with a photo taken early in the morning before sunrise, where boats meet at the colorful Lok Baintan Floating Market in Indonesia; and Marcel van Balken, the Netherlands, placed first in the Monochrome category for a photo which highlights the modern architecture of Arnhem Central Station in the Netherlands. The People & Portrait category was won by David Nam Lip Lee, Malaysia, with a stunning image of a child of the Suri tribe in Ethiopia standing among traditional metal handcraftsFyodor Savintsev, Russia, won Architecture with a picture of some Russian dachas near the city of Arkhangelsk, just after an intense snowfall. The Spanish photographer Ajuriaguerra Saiz Pedro Luis came in first in the Sport category for an amazing image catching a pole vaulter’s reflection as he made his final jump.

The Under 20 prize went to Chinese photographer, Yinzhi Pan, for his beautifully detailed shot of a young fisherman captured at Inle Lake, Shan Plateau, Myanmar.


The winning photographers in categories are:

  • General Color winner: Klaus Lenzen, Germany
  • Monochrome winner: Marcel van Balken, The Netherlands
  • Travel winner: Zach Lowry, USA
  • People & Portrait winner: David Nam Lip Lee, Malaysia  
  • Nature winner: Francisco Negroni, Chile
  • Wildlife winner: Amos Nachoum, Israel
  • Architecture winner: Fyodor Savintsev, Russia
  • Sport winner: Ajuriaguerra Saiz Pedro Luis, Spain
  • “Splash of Colors” winner (special theme 2018) : Sina Falker, Germany 2nd -­‐ Anurag 
  • Storytelling winner: David Chancellor, United Kingdom
  • Under 20 winner: Yinzhi Pan, China
  • Olympus Pangea Prize: Emily Garthwaite, United Kingdom The Olympus Pangea Prize aims to recognize the photographer who entered the Siena International Photo Awards with the best image taken using a mirrorless camera.


Kid With Hand Crafts. David Nam Lip Lee

Colors of Joy. Noor Ahmed Gelal

Migration.  Khalid Alsabt

The Ramnami Lady. Debdatta Chakraborty

Mt. Bromo.  Riksa Dewantara

Horizontal bar on the tricycle. Weiguo Hu

Holy Rain with Golden Blessing. David Nam Lip Lee


L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

Hasselblad Masters 2018. The Winners

Hasselblad Masters 2018. The Winners



Hasselblad Masters is widely acclaimed as one of the world’s most prestigious professional photography competitions. The winners are chosen through a combination of a public vote and a professional Masters Jury comprised of internationally renowned photographers and imaging experts. Every Hasselblad Masters award winner will obtain the title of ‘Hasselblad Master’. In addition, they will receive a brand new Hasselblad medium format camera and be invited to shoot for a collaborative project with Hasselblad. This project will be printed and released in the bi­annual Hasselblad Masters book. 

Winners will receive their awards, medium format cameras, and trophies at a special Photokina 2018 ceremony in Cologne, Germany this September. Bronius Rudnickas,  Hasselblad  Marketing Manager says“Over  30 000 images were submitted to this year’s competition and that was a record. We are glad to see the competition is growing every year.” 

Masters Jury member and professional photographer   Tom   Oldham said, “It really struck me how progressive many of the entries were this year and how far the entrants were willing to push the brief. These were the photographers who caught my eye ­ the ballsy, out­there risk­ takers who make compelling pictures that refuse to be ignored. I’m proud to have helped to get this great kit into their hands – their  images deserve it.”


The Hasselblad Masters Awards 2018 winners are:

Aerial ­ Jorge de la Torriente – Miami, USA
Architecture ­ Kamilla Hanapova ­ St. Petersburg, Russia
Art ­ Maria Svarbova ­ Bratislava, Slovakia
Beauty & Fashion ­ Michal Baran ­ Trim, Ireland
Landscape ­ Benjamin Everett ­ Lopez Island, USA
Portrait ­ Tina Signesdottir Hult ­ Torvastad, Norway
Product ­ Marcin Gizycki ­ Warszawa, Poland
Project ­ Nabil Rosman ­ Kota Bharu, Malaysia
Street / Urban – Ben Thomas ­ Kyneton, Australia
Wedding – Victor Hamke ­ Leipzig, Germany
Wildlife ­ Karim Iliya ­ Haiku, USA

The Hasselblad Masters Awards 2018 jury are: Tom Oldham – Photographer,  Ali Rajabi – Past  Master Martin Hausler – Photographer Katerina Belkina – Past Master Swee Oh – Past Master, Lars van de Goor – Past Master Tim Flach – Photographer Kevin Then – Photographer Bara Prasilova – Past Master Damien Demolder – Journalist Blair Bunting – Photographer, Hans van Ommeren – Past Master Mads Nissen – Photographer,  Kevin Raber – Journalist

Learn More at


L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

Nick Hannes wins 2018 ZEISS Photography Award

Nick Hannes wins 2018 ZEISS Photography Award

Garden of Delight, a stunning photography series by Belgian photographer Nick Hannes, is today revealed as the winner of the 2018 ZEISS Photography Award “Seeing Beyond – Untold Stories”, alongside nine shortlisted photographers.


Shot over five trips in 2016 and 2017, Hannes’ winning series examines leisure and consumerism in Dubai. Each photograph was meticulously planned, with locations ranging from a prototype underwater holiday villa to a subzero bar in a Dubai shopping mall. In the work, the photographer explores ideas around globalization and capitalism and raises questions about authenticity and sustainability. Chosen from nearly 90,000 entries by photographers from more than 140 countries, Hannes’ work is praised by the jury for its unique character and narrative. They applauded its ability to address a current subject through a captivating and lighthearted visual story. 

Jury member Chris Hudson, Art Director, National Geographic Traveller (UK), comments: “The winning series stood out because each image captures a real moment and tells a story of its own. And yet they knit together so well to give an overall sense of what life might be like for locals in the metropolis that is Dubai.” 

Talking about his success, Hannes says: “I am very honored and grateful to receive this award. ‘Garden of Delight’ is a self-initiated and self-funded project. I am glad I persevered. This recognition proves that it was worth to keep going and dig deep into my subject.” 

As the winner of the ZEISS Photography Award, Hannes receives €12,000 worth of ZEISS lenses and €3,000 to cover travel costs for a photography project. The photographer also has the opportunity to personally work with ZEISS and the World Photography Organisation.



L’OCÉAN SOUS L’ŒIL DE YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND ET BRIAN SKERRY Fidèle à ses engagements pour la planète, Bercy Village embarque ses visiteurs pour un voyage entre ciel et mer avec l’exposition « Planète Océan ». Du 7 octobre 2023 au 6 janvier 2024, le lieu de vie parisien...

Prix de la photographie politique de l’Assemblée nationale

La cérémonie de remise du Prix de la photo politique Assemblée nationale – LCP a eu lieu mercredi 15 novembre à l’hôtel de Lassay. Le lauréat de cette première édition est M. Ludovic Marin pour une photographie représentant le Président Emmanuel Macron et le...


BERCY VILLAGE INVITE AU VOYAGE AVEC L’EXPOSITION « PLANÈTE FRANCE » SIGNÉE LOÏC LAGARDE Fidèle à ses engagements, Bercy Village ne cesse de diversifier son offre culturelle pour le plus grand plaisir de ses visiteurs. Après le succès de l’exposition « Complètement...

“Master Your Colorful Fine Art Portrait Photography with Rembrandt-Style Lighting”

Making art? Time to light up your masterpiece with a splash of color—Rembrandt-style!

Sacha Goldberger. “Portraits croisés”.

Sacha Goldberger est un photographe français connu pour ses travaux artistiques originaux et décalés. Né à Paris en 1970, il a commencé sa carrière en tant que photographe de mode et publicité, mais c'est sa série de portraits de super-héros en costume qui l'a...

Back to America. Les USA en couleurs

Elle a fait rêver toute une génération… Replongez dans une Amérique fantasméede 1936 à 1943 à travers 200 photographies de la Library of Congress coloriséespar Sébastien de Oliveira. Stations-services et diners, stetsons et rodéos, stades et couloirs de lycées,...

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